A sterling example of why we call them fly-over states

I’d post this on the other (work-related) blog I write for, but I’m about to make some politically incorrect comments, so will keep it here, where I can say any darned thing I please.

What’s with the pin-headed lawmakers in Illinois?!? Get this – they are trying to pass a bill that would outlaw all social networking tools in libraries and public schools!!! It’s Senate Bill (SB) 1682. Here’s the gist of it:

Creates the Social Networking Web site Prohibition Act. Provides that each public library must prohibit access to social networking Web sites on all computers made available to the public in the library. Provides that each public school must prohibit access to social networking Web sites on all computers made available to students in the school. Provides for enforcement by the Attorney
General or a citizen. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective January 1, 2008.

Jumping Jehosaphats!! Don’t they have anything better to do in Springfield that this sort of absolute nonsense? What, are they afraid free speech and democracy might break out in Illinois schools and libraries? This is a loseWeight Exerciser local attempt to resuscitate the Fed’s dopey DOPA, which died in the Senate.

Michael Stephens of Tame the Web first picked this up. Stay tuned to his blog for ways to protest.
