And Now for Something Completely Different

I usually address hard-hitting issues like the state of my ankle or where we’re traveling to next in this blog. Today, I’m taking a different tack. I received an email from (those prolific anti-Bush folks) and was vastly entertained by the concept of their latest fund-raising event: Bake Back the White House! You can host your own bake sale, or attend an already scheduled event. And all the burned stuff gets sent directly to the White House! 😉

The other site is called Run Against Bush. This is basically a loose confederation of runners (and walkers) against Bush. If you join, you get a t-shirt and can join various groups around the country on jogs and runs, or just plain walks and confab on your collective displeasure with the current administration. Or you can just wear it around town to express your views! Sounds good to me! We’ll be wearing ours with pride in 1-2 weeks.
