Looking for a needle in a haystack or how to search the Internet (I said search, not find)

We were listening to Mark & Brian this morning and they made brief reference to a new political satire ad making the rounds on the Internet involving a woman who starts out talking in a positive way about things in general and then descends into, well, they couldn’t say anymore on the air but it sounded funny. Hey, I thought, I can find that no problem. I’m a librarian, after all. So I went to Google and tried a variety of searches: satirical TV ads, political satire, republican satire, you name it, I tried it. Don’t get me wrong, I found a lot of good stuff: Bush or Chimp, a remix of the State of the Union address, and a funny story from The Onion. Then I started checking NetNewsWire for blog entries that might have mentioned it. Didn’t find anything there either but I indirectly found a funny blog that then linked me to this. *sigh* Finally, I checked with the Mystical Smoking Head of Bob which said “without a doubt.” So if anybody sees a new political satire video making the rounds on the Internet, please let me know!!!

On a completely unrelated note, check out the new iMac G5. Macs rule, PCs drool!
