That’s my brain we’re talking about, in case you were wondering. We spent part of the weekend at the awesome Cerritos Library attending the Get Real! conference. We had a lot of fun, heard some inspirational speakers (made me proud to be a librarian!) ate too much great food, and were home late Saturday. We took some pics of the event which were pretty mediocre due to the fact that I wouldn’t use the flash as it seemed rude to interrupt the speakers. Chuck did get an outstanding shot of a palm tree and a bird of paradise. Sunday we spent part of the day getting the money pit ready for its upcoming overhaul (aka hardwood floors, detailed here) and going to Home Depot where Chuck spent a blissful hour or two in guy heaven buying an air compressor and (oh! bestill my heart!) a nail gun (unfortunately the nail gun turned out to be the wrong type so it had to go back – but boy! can that air compressor inflate bike tires!!). So before I knew it the weekend was over and I was back at work, reading NetNewsWire. Before I go further, I should preface what I’m about to go on about with the fact that I am SERIOUSLY jonesing for an iPod Mini. I’m jonesing for a Mini Cooper as well, but the odds are much better that I’ll get the iPod Mini way sooner than the Mini Cooper (but isn’t it just the cutest thing on four wheels?!?). So where was I? Oh, yes, so I was reading Gizmodo’s headlines and it linked me to this entry about an iPod flashlight/laser pointer! How fab is that? Now I can claim that the iPod is a safety device, for those nights when I have to takae the garbage out after dark. Or it can be used as a handy dandy laser pointer when I am pointing important clues on the latest episode of CSI out to Chuck. It’s clear this is a critical accessory. Now the iPod on its own is pretty glorious but for the person who has everything, there’s the Crystalmini. Granted, it’s a bit pricey (starting at $699) but it just screams – well, maybe it just screams. Now Apple needs to get off its duff and release an iPod phone/PDA.
Random Stuff from the Junk Drawer
- another day in the life (302)
- cancer (28)
- english is hard (1)
- extreme makeovers (17)
- family & friends (61)
- going green (2)
- IMHO (41)
- money pit (67)
- recreational fun & games (117)
- silly things we enjoy (99)
- spam (4)
- techie geek stuff (95)
- travel (73)
- vacation (79)
- work, work, work (25)