Well, okay not so wild. Into the heart of Pennsylvania, that’s where I’m headed. Into the land of dialup Internet and no cable or satellite TV. Into the world, in other words, of my neo-Luddite sister, who has resisted all attempts to drag her into the 21st century. I exaggerate. She does have a cell phone. I am taking my iBook and iSight camera, in hopes of visiting the odd Starbucks. Failing that, I do have a dialup account and hope to do the occasional blog update. Will I get the DTs, going cold turkey like this? We’ll see! But enough about that. We are going to a friend’s 60th birthday party tomorrow night, so I am making him a CD mix of appopriate songs. Always fun! Most of the stuff I had, but a few required a visit to the Apple iTunes Music Store, one of my favorite places on earth. The mix started out happily enough, with “Tom’s Diner” and “For What It’s Worth,” but it has slowly taken a turn to a darker side, with “Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door” and “Only the Good Die Young.” I contemplated adding The Door’s “End” but that seemed a bit much. I can only think that this is because of my own upcoming birthday. *sigh* It seems like only yesterday I was out in the backyard with my troll collection.
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