Scary goings-on

pumpkins.gifNot SO scary. Saturday night was the annual Halloween shindig at Jack’s, so Saturday was spent mostly in preparation. Chuck and I were a cowboy and cowgirl (but this year Chuck got to be the cowboy – two years ago Chuck bravely agreed to go as a, well, you just have to see it). We all looked fabulous, of course. Chuck spent a good deal of Friday and Saturday going around with pained looks on his face trying to nail the Clint Eastwood Man with No Name look down). The party was lots of fun, and we stayed up WAY past our bedtimes, staggering home after 2am. Sunday we did the Halloween prep thing, carving pumpkins until our hands were sore, then handing out candy and watching Fahrenhiet 9/11 on DVD (oddly appropriate movie for Halloween). Chuck is spending some time today ordering new pumpkin carving tools, as our neighbors had amazing, elaborately carved pumpkins, so he now feels inspired to outdo them next year. In his search, he found a really interesting site called Extreme Pumpkins and is now thinking flaming pumpkins might be just the thing for 2005. Pics here of all the action.

In a money pit update, we ordered and paid for the new carpet, and at long last got the armoire for the bedroom TV! Four months of hassle, and the best part is: it’s the wrong color! But close enough for government work (and us). We figure worst case scenario, it’ll make good firewood some day. So it goes.
