Rant on…
If it’s Wednesday, it must be time for a little knee jerk liberalism. Well, actually ANY time is a good time for that, but today I have a good link for those who feel, as I do, somewhat disenfranchised by the times. This comes by way of a friend’s blog, who is using the blog environment to vent about her family’s schizoid politics. Anyway, the article she referenced is here, and goes on at some length about how we have become a country of oases of Democrats – and those oases are largely based in the big cities. Hard to argue with that, living in la-la land, it certainly is tough to see how any Republican ever gets elected. My fave bit comes towards the end, and states pretty well what I do believe about the America our forefathers envisioned (what I wish were true about ALL of America):
So how do we live and what are we for? Look around you, urbanite, at the multiplicity of cultures, ethnicities, and tribes that are smashed together in every urban center (yes, even Seattle): We’re for that. We’re for pluralism of thought, race, and identity. We’re for a freedom of religion that includes the freedom from religion–not as some crazy aberration, but as an equally valid approach to life. We are for the right to choose one’s own sexual and recreational behavior, to control one’s own body and what one puts inside it. We are for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Rant off…