Yo, Santa! We’re the house with all the lights!

nastysanta.jpgWhen last we left the intrepid O’Sheas… The orgy of Christmas decorating continued this weekend (I could say the more PC “holiday decorating” but for gosh sakes, the yard is full of Santas and carolers, it’s pretty clearly decorated for Christmas, so I’m just going to call a spade a spade, or in this case, a reindeer a reindeer – you get the idea). Anyway, Friday night we went down the street to Todd’s, the local tree lot. We found a glorious 8-footer that we then spent the evening decorating. Yesterday and today were spent doing more outside lighting. This mostly entailed Chuck doing his highwire act on the roof, then stringing many extension cords around the yard so everything would light up (you’d never know the guy had a vertebrae and two discs removed just nine months ago. Somehow I don’t think his surgeon would be all that excited to see him leaping around up there, but oh well). This year we also lit up the backyard in tasteful snowflakes and snowball lights (oh, and a couple of cheesy Santas). All in all, it is quite the light show. I could tell Chuck had almost reached holiday light nirvana. But there’s room for improvement – next year the chimney gets it! As he surveyed it all, he came up with a variation of my baby Jesus roll for Mia. His thought was to build a Santa’s workshop and dress up as Santa, and Mia could be his helper elf. I think the baby Jesus in the manger is a better plan. Or even better: maybe we could get a bigger manger and dress Chuck up as baby Jesus! Now there’s a plan! Late-breaking update: last night after all the lights were on, I turned on the TV and boink! all the lights (and the TV) went out. Yes, we blew a circuit. THAT’s how many lights we have! You should have seen Chuck’s face – he was so proud!

Check out pictures here. A note about the image that adorns this entry: that is a pic of the “Nasty Talking Santa” doll I bought from JibJab.com (ha-ha if you want one, though; they’re all sold out. And you can’t have mine!). It’s very funny, saying lines like, “Mery F*#*ing Christmas,” and “Kiss my jolly fat ass.” I have it placed on the mantle next to the Hallmark displays that I fall victim to every year (buy three cards and get their new holiday display for only $12.95!). It’s kind of surreal if you get them all going at the same time.
