Just hanging out in between meetings at work and checking RSS feeds and ran across this: cell phones for dogs! Now that’s something Mia could really use! Unfortunately since she can’t write, it would be tough to call her and ask her to run over to the market for us. Given her utter lack of long term memory, she’d forget everything we told her by the time she got there since she couldn’t write it down. At this point it’s all one way; we can call the dogs but they can’t call us. Probably just as well, as they’d be calling us all the time: “Hi! Just chased a bird! Wow, it was great!” or “Hi! Just chased a cat! Wow, it was great!” or “Hi! Just had a poop! Wow, it was great!” – you get the idea. Not very scintillating conversations, most likely. I was ichatting (using iSight cameras) with Chuck (who was at home working) about this amazing new invention and eating my lunch and discovered a whole new fun thing to do. Get a big mouthful of food (I used an egg salad andwich, but that’s just a suggestion), chew it up, then open your mouth right into the iSight camera. If you pull back a bit you can gross out not only the person on the other end, but yourself as well! Potential hours of fun, kids! There you have it, reason #2,123 of the 4,566 reasons why I love technology.
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