An entry of odds and ends! Okay, I know I’m long overdue with the home improvement/money pit update, but that will have to wait until I get the pics all together. Suffice it to say that the backyard is now a pile dirt and rubble with a trench running down it (imagine No Man’s Land from WWI in micro and you’ve got it).
ANYway, I got a classic political funny today from our bleeding heart liberal friend Mary. Go Hillary! And then from Angry Alien, another 30 second reenactment by bunnies: this time it’s The Rocky Horror Picture Show! I just saw the actual film for the first time on DVD, and we are going to see it at the Hollywood Bowl in September, so this is really timely for me.
And last but not least, Apple has finally released the long-rumored updates to its iBook and Mac mini lines. The iBook is NOT a widescreen as had been reported, but it did get a speed bump and the motion sensor like the new Powerbooks, and a very cool new trackpad that allows you to scroll every which way. No big cnages to the Mac mini, excpet it now comes with Airport standard and 512MB of RAM. Nice! Our mini has been promoted to the kitchen and has a lovely 19″ Sony LCD attached to it (it doubles as a TV). It’s a dynamite little computer!