Now that I am self-employed I seem to have less time than in the old days to just mindlessly surf the Internet. I used to spend entire days at USC Googling things and reading blogs. Now that time is money, I am actually working. *sigh* Still, one does what one can. Current bits of interest:
Hubble Telescope images put to symbols for facebook” title=”music symbols for facebook”>music
We doubted these images were real, but after going to the Hubble site, we’re believers.
Real Life Simpsons Intro
You know that wild intro to the Simpsons TV show? Well, here it is using real people. Doh!
Deadwood Marathon virtual tour
This is of interest to us because we’re going to run the race this June. And after seeing these photos, I’m actually getting pretty psyched about it!
Tunnel Accident
Set to pulsating symbols for facebook” title=”music symbols for facebook”>music, watch a bunch of cars, trucks, and buses crash in a tunnel. Sound sick? Well, yeah, but it’s also super fascinating. What can I say?
Today is also Chuck’s birthday. Happy birthday, big guy (he’s feeling bigger than usual today as he went to see the dermatologist yesterday – his first visit to this new guy – and when the doctor came in to see him he said, “Ah, youre a classic!” Chuck was feeling mildy good about this but then thought to ask, “A classic what?” And the doctor answered, “A classic mesomorph!” Chuck agreed, and added that it made him a pretty slow runner. The doctor said, “True, but you’d be a real asset on a tug-of-war team!” Then he removed a couple of pre-cancerous spots and sent him on his mesomorphic way)!