I’ve been hearing about net neutrality for a bit now, but some stuff today made me decide to blog about the issue and show my support/colors. I read this article by Rep. Ed Markey (D MA) first on the Huffington Post, then followed it up with this one by Adam Green, all of which led me to this site.
Network neutrality provides that everybody from Verizon to Joe Blogger down the street should have equal access to all information on the Internet (or the Internets, as the geeks have started calling it). here in the U.S. there is no written law providing for this “right” – it’s just assumed to be true. Congress is at this very moment considering legislation to modify the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and some of those modifications would indeed impact net neutrality. It’s important to let our congresspeople know how we all feel about this. You can sign a virtual petition here, or add a logo to your website(s) showing your support for net neutrality.
Blogs and websites all over the world are changing the way we all see and learn about the events that shape and define our world. Don’t let the telecoms’ big money or the lobbyists in Congress silence those voices, ever.