I have about 60 seconds before I have to be somewhere else, so…

P7190853.JPGA quick update on stuff. First off, I filmed Chuck and me finishing the Carneros Half-Marathon. It’s two and a half scintillating minutes of heavy breathing and me trying to run, talk and film at the same time. But it gives you a flavor of how tired and hot we were. So here it is in Flash and here it is in Quicktime.

We got home late Monday, and I took off Tuesday morning for a two-day meeting in Seattle. Phew! The weather was beautiful, and the temps were nicer than we’ve seen in So Cal for a while. Even the meeting was interesting! I took a bunch of pics with my handy little Olympus and posted them here. I flew home late yesterday afternoon, and we went to dinner at River’s End in Seal Beach, where we were treated to an extraordinarily fabulous sunset, which I immortalized with my (still handy) camera. Pics here. It’s times like that you know why you put up with the grief and aggravation that can be living in southern California.

Finally, an update on my knee. It’s healed (mostly)! Two weeks after sliding a foot on asphalt, all that’s left is a bit of scab and a nice scar. You go, knee!

Off to Riverside tomorrow, just for the day, thank goodness!
