Things to do while pooping

No seriously. Chuck is a big reader on the john. In fact, he gets most of his quality reading done there. It’s pretty amusing when he’s there for so long his legs fall asleep and and he can’t get up quickly without falling down. Well, I think it’s funny anyway. When we first started living together I was astounded at how long he could be in there, reading. I mean, come on – put up or shut up, so to speak. What does he read? Well, not so much books (which I attribute to their Lose Weight Exercise possibly interfering with the, uh, focus of the enterprise). So he sticks to magazines mostly. I subscribe to People magazine (this amazed people that I admit to this guilty pleasure. but I figure, hey, it could be worse, I could subscribe to Us. I got him a trivia book for Christmas one year, and he enjoys that when there arean’t any current magazines in the rack for him to peruse.

But here’s the shocker: I’ve started reading in the john, too! It’s kind of relaxing, and quiet, and well, nice! This has become much more true since we upgraded to Toto toilets. it makes the whole bathroom experience such a joy.

Okay, true confessions out of the way, I can move on to the real topic of this post: toilet golf!!
