The perils of travel

We left home last Tuesday for Sacramento, to tape a webcast on Wednesday. That went okay (there were some technical glitches due mostly to our newbie-ishness), but still mission accomplihed. Then it was off to the airport to catch a flight to Albuquerque for a two-day conference. Once that was done, we headed to Snata Fe for a few days of R&R. So far, so good. We brought our computers, figuring this would be a working trip. That was until we arrived in Snata Fe, to discover that the condo-like place we were staying had no Internet connectivity. Nada, zilch. The dt’s started almost immediately. Ack! What to do? We decided to go cold turkey – no Internet for the weekend. We made it to late Sunday before we had to find a connection to check email. That stretched into an hour or two of work, then we were back today for more work.

The moral of the story? Well, if you really want to take a break from computers, leave them at home. Duh! And with that pearl of wisdom, I’ll end.
