Prognostications for MacWorld 2007

Rather than recite New Year’s resolutions that I may or may not keep, or make wild guesses as to what the world will be like in 2107, I’ve decided to throw out my $0.02 on what will be announced at MacWorld 2007 on January 9. Apple has already started tantalizing us with hints of big news. Their website today says, “The first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2007.” Hmm. Now I know, you’re thinking, “Hey, maybe that was just a New Year’s wish.” Hah! How little you know. Apple loves to tease and excite us all in the lead up to MacWorld. Why else would we pay the big bucks to go listen to the keynote address?

So, on to my wild predictions:

  1. Some sort of video iPod – either a full screen iPod (no more space allotted to buttons and scroll wheels, yay!), and/or the ability to do DVR-like playback – hooking up your ipod to your TV and get HD-ready playback.
  2. 30″ iMac. Can you imagine how cool that would be?
  3. Mac mini with DVR capability. I’m hedging my bets a bit, as I’m sure they wouldn’t give both the iPod and the Mac mini this capability. But think of the Mac mini as a Tivo device out of the box. Neat!
  4. iWork 07 with spreadsheet. Duh. I’m not going out on much a limb predicting this one.
