It’s a mad, mad, mad world

<bitch fest on>
It has been a really, really, really busy couple of weeks. Did I mention how busy it’s been the past few weeks? It has been. I feel like I haven’t been home in a month. The office has been in a state of remodel for the past month, which definitely contributed to my overall sense of discombobulation. But then there’s been the work, and the work, and the work. Consulting, as it happens, is hard work! I had to give a presentation in Ontario last Friday, and it required a lot of prep. Then there was a report to write, and a grant to help provide background information for, and then there are all of the various trips we have coming up that needed planning and reservations. Today I’m in Sacramento attending a three-day workshop (for which I had to do all of the event planning and don’t get me started on how time-consuming THAT is).
<bitch fest off>

I am sooo ready for a break. And happily there is one on the horizon! We’re running a half marathon in Santa Ynez on May 13, and are going to make a long weekend of it and go wine tasting. But the really super exciting travel news is that our applications for the Medoc Marathon were accepted! We’re going to France in September!
