So far, so good

It’s Day Three in the life of Pip, my third iPhone. So far, he’s working like a trooper – rotates vertically and horizontally like nobody’s business and is syncing just fine, too. Yay! Could be they heard me making nasty noises about Nokia phones so decided it was time to start behaving like good little smart phones PDAs iPods whatevers. the one thing Pip doesn’t seem to want to do is sync both ways – if I enter an event in the iPhone, it doesn’t see top want to hop over to the Mac. Events added in the Mac sync to the iphone without a problem. this isn’t a big deal, and I am certainly NOT going back to the Apple Store over it, but it is interesting. Now I’m waiting for the ability to add or remove widgets. Whose bright idea was it, for instance, to have a Stocks widget but no Contacts widget? Steeeeve….was it you?
