Well, this must be SOME sort of record…

After a mere ten days, Pip the iPhone crapped out. Yes, kids, if you’re counting these things that is the THIRD iPhone I’ve had that has died. This one seemed to suffer from a bad network card – either that or a bug that kept it from sleeping correctly. The screen would go dark, then freeze but never sleep, and the battery would constantly drain to empty. So for the past couple of days I effectively had no cell phone. ARGHHHHH!!!!!!

So Saturday morning on our way to San Diego we stopped at the Fashion Island Apple Store and I gave them my latest tale of woe. they made noises like they were going to send it away to be fixed, at which point I said in a voice very near tears, I was THAT frustrated, “I haven’t had a phone for the past three days anyway, so sure! Send it away for more days!” That was pretty much all it took and they gave me a new iPhone.

Before going to the Apple Store, I renamed Pip Judas. This fourth one I have dubbed He Who Must Not Be Named. And he’s going to stay that way until I see that my personal iPhone curse is lifted.
