One week plus and still working!

He Who Must Not Be Named is one week old today, and is still working! Perfectly in fact. This is an official record for me. I have not once synced it to my G5, which reinforces my feeling that it was the culprit. In the past couple of months, a hard drive, the DVD drive, an iPod, and three iPhones all died while attached to the G5. Hmmmm. Time to retire it, I think. I have been assiduously backing up my data, so am not unduly concerned about it just outright crapping out. it’s had a good long life of hard service.

Now that I’ve had a week of a fully functioning iPhone, I can say that it really is the coolest phone ever. I am downloading two movies for the flight to Europe right now. The audio on the phone is great – we have upgraded our bluetooth headsets to Jawbones. They are really great – the Apple bluetooth headset looks cool, but has a tendency to either slip or fall right out of your ear. The Jawbone also has a noise canceling feature which works even in pretty noisy situations. Best audio comes from the headphones that come with the iPhone. They look like iPod headphones, but have a little microphone on the cord that allows you to answer and end calls. Its audio quality (being stereo) is impressive. We also got our little Belkin headphone adapters, so we can use our glorious stereo noise canceling headphones with the iPhones.

I have also been looking into how to use the iPhone in Europe and not get reamed by fees. I signed up for international roaming for $5.99 a month, and also signed up for the iPhone international data package, which gives me 20MB to download/upload a month. That includes email and web – texting is excluded (as in they have no plan for texting). Chuck thinks that is a waste, but I think its commonsense. I’ve been reading reports of people getting whacked with HUGE bills from using their iPhones overseas without a package
