Give One Get One

One Laptop Per Child LogoI confess to being a semi-faithful reader of People magazine. I also admit that when I’m in line at the supermarket, I will from time to time read the National Enquirer. What can I say? But sometimes the articles are surprisingly good and/or illuminating. Case in point: the latest issue of People, which highlighted a new program started by Nicholas Negroponte called One Laptop per Child. What’s it about? From their site: 

The mission of this non-profit association is to develop a low-cost laptop—the “$100 Laptop”—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world’s children. Our goal is to provide children around the world with new opportunities to explore, experiment, and express themselves. Why do children in developing nations need laptops? Laptops are both a window and a tool: a window into the world and a tool with which to think. They are a wonderful way for all children to learn learning through independent interaction and exploration.

Pretty cool!
