On the heels of Chuck’s first week of chemo, I came down with a walloping bad sinus infection, the kind where it feels like your head will explode from the pressure. The snot that has issued from my nose over the past few days could fill several water bottles, I bet. We went to our regular doctor to update him on Chuck’s health, and I came away with antibiotics and industrial strength cough syrup to get things open again. But enough about me and my mucus.
He’s tolerated all of the drugs really well. He felt pretty wiped out for the first two days but is pretty much back in action. Next week we are going for a pre-surgical consult for a port, which we hear is the way to get the chemo drugs over time (versus many, many needles). No more chemo until the new year.
So life really does go on. As does my snot, but that’s a different story.