Ctrl-Alt-Esc (aka reboot time!)

Consider this the first post of a new blog. I’m still wrapping my head around the reality, but I retired! Okay, since I was a consultant a better way to phrase it might be that I didn’t renew my contract and we are still keeping the (virtual) lights on at our small business but for all intents and purposes I have effectively retired from the library world. It’s a weird feeling to not be working at some sort of library job (which is what I have been doing nonstop (other than vacations) since I was about 19. It was time – I was burned out and, oh yeah, I’m turning 65. It feels really weird to put that in writing. I mean, that’s old, right? But I don’t feel old at all.

Okay, back on topic. A new chapter has officially begun. And it involves a lot of travel! Yay! First up: a quick trip to Rochester NY – Chuck was invited as part of his volunteer work. I’m looking forward to visiting the George Eastman Museum. Then the really big trip is coming up at the end of Sep when we head to France for a barge trip in Alsace Lorraine! It will be our first time out of the country since the start of the pandemic and I AM SO EXCITED!!!! After the barge trip we’re taking an extra week to explore more of the area.


