Tag: amsterdam

  • Post impressions

    We’ve been home for a few days now and already Europe and our time there is receding in my memory (kind of like the jet-lag). But casting my mind back, when last I left us, we were off to Delft. Delft turned out to be a really cool town! We took the local train and…

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  • Those crazy Amsterdammers!

    We arrived in Amsterdam yesterday, and are staying at (as everyone who hears we are staying here tells us) a five-star hotel. Chuck’s remark on seeing our room was, “I expected something bigger for a five-star hotel.” Actually, it’s a pretty good sized room and is (la-di-da!) on the executive floor. The only perk this…

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  • Au revoir Paris, Goedendag Amsterdam

    Katie headed back to Michigan yesterday (that would be Tuesday). We took her to Charles de Gaulle via metro and saw her through the security line, then headed off to Roissy-en-France to secure a hotel for our return to Paris next Sunday. Roissy, you may remember, is where we stayed the week we were stuck…

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