Suddenly I feel much stronger…

So I’ve been swimming along Bayshore Beach in Long Beach getting in shape for a September triathlon. Chuck has been kayaking along beside me, giving me grief when I slow down or my stroke gets really sloppy (in his mind most of the time). He told me initially that it was a half mile from the place where we start to the bridge and back. It’s been taking me about 30 minutes or a bit less. After this past Sunday’s swim Chuck looked the distance up on Google Maps and lo and behold, I’ve actually been swimming a mile (well, slightly under but not by much). A mile! That is WAY different from the half mile I thought I was swimming (and I was wondering why I was so pooped when I finished – I wrote it off to just being out of shape. Hah!)

Now I’m feeling ready to swim the English Channel (okay, that’s an exaggeration)!

Continuing on this fitness topic: we went to Surf City Cyclery and REI this weekend and got new bicycle seats and bike shoes. We are experimenting with seats that match our sit bone measurements. It turns out I, for instance, have narrower sit bones than most women – so I’ve been sitting on seats that are too wide for me. Chuck’s seat was closer to correct, but he decided to upgrade his saddle, too. After we ride more than half a block I’ll report on how they work. All of this has nothing to do with the fact that we have become addicted to watching the Tour de France. Pure coincidence, I assure you.


One response to “Suddenly I feel much stronger…”

  1. meagan Avatar

    That’s a good personal trainer trick! Let them think they’re not doing as much as they actually are! Good one Charlie 😉