My life as a ping pong ball

I am back in northern California today – I was up here last weekend too with Chuck, then we drove down to southern California, and he dropped me off at my niece’s house, and then she and I drove back up here yesterday. We drive back to So Cal tomorrow. My butt says ow!

My niece (who was just accepted in a graduate school program at CSUN – shoutout to Marjorie – you rock!) and I are staying at the Land of Medicine Buddha Center in Santa Cruz. It’s actually in Soquel. It’s actually in the woods outside of Soquel. As in it’s pretty remote. But pretty. Anyway, they warned us before we arrived that there was no cell reception and it was implied that the whole computer/Internet thing wouldn’t work either. Still my niece (trained by me, I might add) and I are very much techno geeks, both in love with bright shiny objects. So we took our chances and we brought our bright shiny objects. Sure enough the cell reception sucks BUT there’s an open wireless network available. God bless the Buddhists (can you do that? is it okay to do that?).

We’re only here for last night, today and tomorrow morning, so really we just needed to be able to rent some movies for entertainment – basic meditative stuff. Last night I went on iTunes and rented 300, which I think is an aweome movie and my niece had never seen. I forgot how that movie is basically two hours of death and destruction. At high volume. And did I mention that we had to sign a waiver when we arrived that we would adhere to Buddhist practices of peaceful living and not kill insects or each other? Whoa.

About halfway through the movie, Marjorie says, “Uh, maybe we should turn the volume down.” And I realized it was 10:30 at night and the only sound in the whole place was coming out of my laptop and it was emitting at high volume the screams and groans and the slashing sound of skin being stabbed or speared. Oops!

It appears that I make a very crappy Buddhist.


2 responses to “My life as a ping pong ball”

  1. Meagan Lopez Avatar

    Imagine watching that movie one night, then the next day, being interviewed by Gerard Butler for a job…in his underwear! Yeah, that’s what I had to go through.
    Enjoy the meditation! 😉

  2. Cheryl Avatar